這次是 介紹各種 object 的語法
所有的 object 都可從 DB2 Control Center 來建立
或是用 command 的兩種方式來做

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上午仍然是較基礎的內容,如何建 DB
下午則是介紹 DB2 object ,大概整理了一下,看倌一起討論吧 

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最近正在研究 MS SQL Server VSS

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控制台->user account和家庭安全-> user account ->
開啟或關閉 user account控制->

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Windows 2008 Server will be manufacturing by the end of this year. 
"Windows Server 2008 is the last 32-bit OS we will make," Laing said, 
according to Laing, who said that the future 64-bit-only version, 
currently called Windows Server 2008 R2, is due out in 2009

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Start TSM Server, do the following:
on Windows 
        use command line prompt to execute dsmserv.exe

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KT Tunstall

Her face is a map of the world
Is a map of the world

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1.        Copy AIX Domino server.id to Windows Administrator machine.
( id file will in notesdata folder )

2.       Change account to notes
# su - notes

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1.      Open a new Terminal with root authority

2.     Open X server authority
# xhost +

3.     Change account to notes

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1.       Open a new Terminal with root authority

2.       Check iocp status # lsdev –C –H |grep iocp
if status is “Define” execute # smitty iocp
select Configure Defined I/O completion Ports and finish it

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Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

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一座全部用玻璃製造的類似陽台的「人行天橋」將延伸至科羅拉多河上空 1200米的大峽谷的邊緣。


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