500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/root/ Login failed
這是因為啟用firewall, 在不停用fireall的情況下解決方式如下:
#setsebool ftpd_disable_trans on
500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/root/ Login failed
這是因為啟用firewall, 在不停用fireall的情況下解決方式如下:
#setsebool ftpd_disable_trans on
You can configure it with "smit user" or edit directly /etc/security/limits
How to .tar.gz
gzip -cd filename | tar -xvf -
How to .tar.bz2
"uninstall" on Solaris you remove the packages pertaining to the thing you want to uninstall:
# pkginfo | grep JDK
system SUNWj3irt JDK 1.4 I18N run time environment
system SUNWj5cfg JDK 5.0 Host Config. (1.5.0_07)
今天裝 RHEL 5 的時候有遇到一些問題
RHEL, edit this file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
#vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
IPADDR="IP address"
1. Copy AIX Domino server.id to Windows Administrator machine.
( id file will in notesdata folder )
2. Change account to notes
# su - notes
1. Open a new Terminal with root authority
2. Open X server authority
# xhost +
3. Change account to notes
1. Open a new Terminal with root authority
2. Check iocp status # lsdev –C –H |grep iocp
if status is “Define” execute # smitty iocp
select Configure Defined I/O completion Ports and finish it